Religion Briefs 06-21-17


NHBC to hold final service June 25
National Heights Baptist Church will celebrate 145 years of ministry and have its final service on June 25, 2017. The service begins at 11 a.m. with lunch immediately after the service.  At 5 p.m., The Revelations, a gospel music trio, will present a free concert of gospel music. The community, as well as former members, are invited to attend both services.  The church is at 103 Old Norton Road Fayetteville. The phone number is 770 – 461 – 1704.

COS plans VBS June 26-30
Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran Church announces Vacation Bible School, June 26-30, 9 a.m.-noon, for children entering Pre-K (age 4) through rising sixth-graders. The curriculum, “Stand in God’s Kingdom,” is original, written to highlight the 500th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation. “Martin and Katie Luther” will greet children each day. A $10 donation is welcome but not required. Registration is open for participants and volunteers. Register at or  Registration remains open until capacity is reached.

Brooks Christian VBS starts June 26
Brooks Christian Church will host Vacation Bible School from June 26-30 every night from 6:30-8:30 p.m.  This year’s theme will be Hero Central. Pre-register June 26  from 5-6:30 p.m. or register online at

Hopewell VBS is June 26-29
Hopewell United Methodist Church in Tyrone will hold Vacation Bible School the week of June 26-29, from 9 a.m. to noon. All children, from kindergarten through fifth grade, are invited to participate. The program, “Growing with God” – Growing with the fruits of the spirit, will feature music, crafts, and games. To register, go to [email protected] or call the church office, 770-306-7537.  The church is located at 351 Jenkins Road, directly across from Sandy Creek High.

Sharpsburg Baptist VBS starts Sunday
Sharpsburg Baptist Church will have Maker Fun Factory Vacation Bible School Sunday June 25 to Thursday June 29 from 6 to 9 p.m. with a snack supper for kids at 5:30. Register online at

Orchestra forming at Providence UMC
Providence United Methodist Church is reaching out to persons interested in playing in an orchestra. Musicians do not have to be a church member to participate. Those interested should contact Woody Brown at [email protected].  The church is on Bernhard Road south of Fayetteville.