Rejoicing over fifth grandchild, and what a round it was!


April has been a good month for us. My middle daughter was born on April 15, our tax-day baby. Her firstborn was due May 2, 2011, but decided to make her appearance on April 25, 2011. We officially became members of the Grandparent’s club!

Fast-forward to April of last year. My youngest daughter was due with her firstborn May 5, but her baby came April 29. We had a major birthday bash last Saturday to celebrate her turning one. These two April babies combine with a July birth and an October birth to make four grandchildren, three girls and a boy.

We entered April anticipating the birth of grandbaby number five, who was due April 11 to our son and daughter-in-law, Jonathan and Amanda, who live in Charlotte. Amanda was 11 days late with their first baby, our grandson.

So we were on baby watch. I know these babies come when they decide to, but we had a tight schedule that included Easter Sunday. We had committed to travel to Sarasota for our oldest granddaughter’s birthday party April 22 and to help our daughter with some things.

So, my selfish prayer was that the baby would be born anytime the first of the week as long as I could get through Easter Sunday morning. Easter Sunday afternoon would be perfect. We would travel to Charlotte first and then to Sarasota.

Amanda got the news that if she didn’t have this baby by Thursday, she would be induced Friday morning, April 21.

Monday came and went with no word. So did Tuesday and Wednesday. So we travelled to Sarasota Thursday, knowing that one way or the other, this baby was coming Friday.

Nothing happened all day Thursday, and Amanda was due to check into the hospital at 7 p.m. Five minutes from the hospital, her water broke.

Jonathan kept his sisters and us posted by texting Friday morning, and at 11:34 a.m. Jonathan announced, “Last chance for predictions.”

Rebecca texted, “I’ll vote girl … ”

Ruth texted, “Girl! Seven pounds, five ounces.”

Rebecca added, “Eight pounds, three ounces.”

I chimed in, “Boy. Eight pounds. Really good looking.”

Then Jonathan texted, “Baby is here!” Now we’re in suspense.

Next we get this picture of Amanda holding their newborn and no other information.

Since we couldn’t be there in person, we requested that Jonathan Facetime us when he came out to share the news with his in-laws in the waiting room. So we finally got the call we’d been anxious for, and Jonathan announced, “It’s a boy, nine pounds, 11 ounces, named Nolan James.”

How about that! Two solid baseball names — Cobb, the big brother, and baby Nolan. This guy has the biggest hands. The better to grip a baseball!

We enjoyed the birthday party, then travelled from Sarasota to Charlotte, arriving at almost midnight. We finally got to see the baby Sunday morning. We were able to spend Sunday and Monday and enjoy both grandsons and do what we could to help.

So now we’re blessed with five grandchildren. And our Sarasota daughter is due with her third child in August, which, with her track record, may mean late July. They know this one’s a boy!

So, five days, four states, a birthday party, a birth, and nearly 1,500 miles later, we returned home, after a great trip and after making some sweet memories.

I’m enjoying this stage of life, and there’s nothing like a grandbaby. Someone said, “Your own children are your investments, and your grandchildren are the sweet bundles of interest you have received upon maturity.”

As I wrote in an earlier column, if children are a blessing from the Lord (Psalm 127:3), then grandchildren are icing on the cake!

Dr. David L. Chancey is pastor, McDonough Road Baptist Church, Fayetteville, Georgia. The church family gathers at 352 McDonough Road, near McCurry Park, and invites you to join them for Bible study at 9:45 a.m. and worship at 10:55 a.m. Visit them online at and like them on Facebook.