Fayette Visioning supports ‘Yes’ vote for March SPLOST


At its Jan. 30, 2017 meeting, Fayette Visioning elected new board members who will provide leadership in 2017 and 2018 and took a position to support the upcoming March 21 SPLOST vote.

Randy Weaver, agency owner, Allstate Insurance Company, Peachtree City, will serve as chair of the Fayette Visioning Board for 2017-2018. Weaver has been involved with Fayette Visioning since its inception in 2013, and served as vice-chair on the 2015-2016 board.

Weaver will be joined by Pam Reid, who will serve as vice-chair. Reid is the executive director for AVPRIDE.

Fayette Visioning also welcomed two new board members. Rob Parker, president, Pinewood Forrest, will serve as the Fayette Chamber of Commerce representative on the board. Dr. Luis Matta, president of The Matta Group Inc., will serve as chair of the Economy Committee.

“It is an honor to follow Larris Marks as chair of Fayette Visioning,” Weaver said. “Fayette County has benefited from her leadership. She has been dedicated to moving the needle on achieving the Fayette Vision and its goals. We are pleased that she will continue to serve on our 2017-2018 board as a director (past chair).”

At the January meeting, Fayette Visioning took a position to support the March 21 SPLOST referendum.
“The critical projects to be funded by this SPLOST will elevate the quality of life of all citizens in Fayette County,” said Weaver. “Supporting this SPLOST falls directly within the vision Fayette citizens have for our community.”

Further information about Fayette Visioning, leadership and areas of focus can be found at www.FayetteVision.org. Email info@FayetteVision.org to join the mailing list or to request a visioning speaker for your group or organization.