Commissioners to approve proposed Fayette County budget

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Fayette County government officials will begin working on the next Fayette County budget in early March to get it passed by late June if the proposed budget calendar is approved at this week’s regular Board of Commissioners meeting.

The timeline suggested by staff begins March 6 with county departments receiving budget instructions, and from there the process will wind its way through the spring, including the April 21 BoC retreat, one week after budget requests are submitted to the county administrator. Budget workshops are scheduled for the last week of April and the first week of May, with the proposed budget presented to the board at a May 25 special called meeting.

Two public hearings are scheduled for June 6 and 22, the latter of which would be the date for adoption of the FY2018 budget.

The budget calendar is part of the Jan. 26 meeting’s consent agenda, along with a $41,540 software contract, ratification of an appointment to the Fayette County Library Board, approval of a Public Arts Committee request involving two separate projects in Tyrone, the addition of the Elysian Fields subdivision to the county’s street light program, and a Water Committee recommendation to close Lake McIntosh for a March 18 regatta.

Two public hearings are on the agenda. The county will consider rezoning a quarter-acre of land from C-H to R-70 and trading the tract with an adjacent landowner in exchange for other property needed for the West Fayetteville Bypass, or Veterans Parkway. Also under consideration will be the proposed abandonment of a portion of McBride Road.

New business includes a review and discussion of the priority list of existing stormwater projects, a pair of re-appointments to the Library Board, approval of the Public Arts Committee’s bylaws, and two requests regarding the disposition of tax refunds.

The agenda includes a presentation of the results of the FY2016 audit, as well as recognition of the departments that won the door decorating contest during the Christmas holidays.