Paramedics get medical devices donation

Fayette County Fire and Emergency Services (FES) has received the donation of nine video laryngoscopes and 20 disposable blades from the nonprofit Fayette Fire Foundation.
“These devices aid the paramedic in completing the intubation of patients that are not breathing and/or have an injury/illness that requires ventilation assistance,” said Fire Chief David Scarbrough.
Scarbrough said the video laryngoscopes are equipped with a digital camera and this device is used to insert a tube into the larynx to aid a patient in breathing and to provide for a secure airway should the patient have any complications.
“The video laryngoscope enhances the ability of the paramedic to visualize the larynx and other structures of the patient’s airway therefore increasing the first time success rate of the intubation procedure,” Scarbrough said.
This is an “in-kind” donation of the equipment and disposable blades. These laryngoscopes will be deployed on each medic unit (six units), two squads, and one for training purposes that will serve as a spare unit, Scarbrough noted.
“This device will make a difference in the ability of the paramedic to complete a difficult intubation procedure,” said Scarbrough. “We currently use the manual version of the laryngoscope as we have for years. This enhancement is made possible through the work of the Fayette Fire Foundation. This device is one more way to make a difference in the lives of persons in our community and in the EMS zone. Our heartfelt thanks go out to the foundation for this gracious donation.”
Scarbrough said FES has already used one of these devices to aid in the airway management of a patient encountered that was not breathing. The crew from Medic 1 described the use of the device in the procedure as “quick and successful.”
The Fayette Fire Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit group that was formed to support the men and women of FES. The foundation identified the purchase and donation of the video laryngoscopes as a project in which to give back to the community, citizens and visitors served by FES in the EMS response zone.
For more information on the Fayette Fire Foundation visit,