How not to become holiday theft victim

The month of December comes with a higher level of retail shopping than any month of the year. With all the activity, the Fayetteville Police Department offered a number of safe shopping tips.
Police suggest shopping during daylight hours whenever possible. If shopping at night, go with a friend or family member.
Lock your vehicle and close all windows. And as is advised year round, make sure packages and valuables are kept out of sight.
While in the store shopping, be mindful of your purse, wallet and checkbook. Though holiday shopping can have anyone’s mind on other things, make sure to stay alert and be aware of your surroundings. Distraction is one method a two-person team of thieves might use, when one takes the attention of the shopper while the other commits the theft.
When at the check-out counter, always double-check that the sales clerk returned your credit card and driver’s license, and never let your credit card out of your sight.
If a credit card is lost, stolen or misused, report it immediately to the credit card issuer.
Be alert to any activity near your car and have your keys in-hand after leaving the store.
Police also advise shoppers to be aware of scams meant to deprive shoppers of their money. Some scams can be elaborate and are perpetrated by people skilled in deception. All said, scams involve having the victim putting up their money or cashing a check for someone, and usually with the promise of receiving more money than the victim provided.
Police also advised shoppers to report suspicious activity and to always wear a seatbelt, even on short trips.
“Don’t be afraid to call 911,” said department spokesman Mike Whitlow. “That’s what we’re here for.”