Fayette Chamber supports March SPLOST approval

The board of the Fayette Chamber of Commerce has taken a position to support the Fayette County Special Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) that will be on the ballot on March 21, a news release from the business organization said.
Fayette County’s last SPLOST expired in 2010. Important maintenance and building projects were delayed when property tax revenues declined during the last recession and the 2009 and 2013 infrastructure SPLOSTs failed to pass, according to the Chamber news release.
The SPLOST project list includes roads and multi-use paths that are in need of repair or expansion to improve the quality of life and marketability of Fayette County. The 2017 SPLOST also includes, but is not limited to, stormwater repair, 911 radios and a fire station which all affect citizen’s safety, the Chamber said.
“The Chamber supports projects that improve the quality of life of our citizens and strengthen the economy for all,” stated 2016 Fayette Chamber Board Chair, Debbie Britt.
Fayette County is one of seven counties in Georgia that is at a sales tax rate of 6 percent. At this time, 105 counties have a total sales tax of 7 percent and 47 counties are at 8 percent. Fayette County has several regional shopping centers that attract out-of-county shoppers who will be paying the tax, too, according to the Chamber news release.
For a complete list of projects, visit the Fayette County website at www.fayettecountyga.gov./SPLOST-2017.