Regarding the anti-Trump riots


This is what we get when we let the NEA and nearly every university stack the faculty with leftist/communist professors. This is what we get when we alter history books in an attempt to alter history. This is what we get when we hand out participant trophies.

This is what we get when we teach our youth that there are no winners and losers until they get out into the real world and find out that is exactly what there is and they have no coping mechanism.

This is what we get when we teach our youth that it is always somebody else’s fault and personal responsibility doesn’t exist.

This is what we get when we teach our youth there is no respect for authority. This is what we get when we teach parents that corporal punishment will result in them losing their children to the state because the state knows best how to raise our children.

This is what we get when we teach our youth that we have to watch every word we say so as not to accidentally offend someone and OMG hurt their tender feelings.

This is what we get when we teach our youth that the Constitution is a living document. This is what we get when we teach our youth that government is the answer and will provide for all our needs because we are incapable of providing for ourselves.

This is what we get when we let the government use the tax code and every other means to factionally divide society by every means imaginable.

This is what we get when we make it exceedingly easy to sue anyone for anything with no risk to ourselves.

This is what we get when we matriculate so many attorneys that they literally crawl over one another scouring any and all outlets in order to find some perceived injustice in order to feed themselves. If we enacted proper tort reform the marketplace would self correct that problem.

Finally, this is what we get when we become complacent as a society, knowing and watching all these things happen, generation upon generation, doing nothing about it. This is what we get.

Marc Lugash
Peachtree City, Ga.