Big paving project next spring

Hwy. 54 to be resurfaced from Coweta line to east of F’ville in early 2017
Plans by the Georgia Department of Transportation show that Ga. Highway 54 from the Coweta County line to McDonough Road east of Fayetteville will be resurfaced next spring.
The condition of Georgia highways 54 and 74 received many complaints before cracks and potholes were repaired earlier this year and during the repair work that often stalled traffic. That work served as a prelude to the work expected in March or April.
Peachtree City Manager Jon Rorie on Oct. 20 told the Peachtree City Council that DOT has announced that nearly the entire length of Hwy. 54 through Fayette County will be resurfaced in the spring.
Resurfacing work will extend from the Coweta County line in west Fayette, through Peachtree City, and end approximately one-half mile east of Fayetteville at McDonough Road.
The exact timeframe has yet to be announced by DOT.
There are a number of short-term projects on Hwy. 54 West that are in different phases of funding by the city, such as the intersection with MacDuff Parkway and at Planterra Way, that might be leveraged with the upcoming paving of Hwy. 54.
Council earlier in the meeting agreed with Rorie’s recommendation that $1 million of SPLOST funds be allocated to matching funds to leverage outside dollars for additional intersection improvements along the Hwy. 54/74 corridor.
Rorie said the $1 million would revert to previously-identified Tier 1 and 2 projects should no opportunties arise for matching funds.