VFW auxiliary to host info event Sept. 24


As a nonprofit organization, the Helen K. Denton VFW Auxiliary to Post 3650 relies on the support of its membership to help veterans, active-duty military, and their families lead a better life in our community. Those members of the Helen K. Denton VFW Auxiliary to Post 3650, are actively participating in the effort to honor, support and remember our veterans and active-duty servicemen and women and their families.

The Helen K. Denton VFW Auxiliary to Post 3650 is seeking patriotic men and women to join them in making a difference in the lives of Fayette County veterans, active-duty military and their families.                                                                                                                                

The auxiliary is hosting an information and membership tea Saturday, Sept 24, 1-3 p.m. at Heritage Bank, 440 North Jeff Davis Avenue in Fayetteville, for men and women who are close relatives of a veteran of a foreign war and want to learn more about the organization and its work in the community.  

RSVP to auxiliary president Linda Armstrong at ljarmstrong40@hotmail.com or 770-892-1024 by Sept. 21.

“The auxiliary provides members an opportunity to honor and give back to all who have served, and who are serving, this great nation. It’s our chance to say ‘thank you’ to them for their sacrifice,” said Armstrong, pictured above.

To learn more information about the membership tea, the auxiliary or its service projects, contact Armstrong or visit http://vfwga.org/, www.vfwauxiliary.org or on Facebook.