PTC Council goes for higher taxes

The millage rate for Peachtree City was set at 6.756 mills at the Sept. 1 meeting of the City Council. The rate amounts to a $33 tax increase for a home valued at $275,000.
The third and final public hearing on the millage rate came with no public comments prior to its unanimous adoption by the council on Sept. 1.
The new rate will serve as a tax increase due to rising property values in the city that increased 4.7 percent over the rollback rate of 6.453 mills. 
City staff said the new rate will represent a tax increase of approximately $33 for a home valued at $275,000.
The net tax digest for 2016 increased by 5.2 percent, due to increases in property values.
The city’s bond millage rate will decrease from .314 mills to .309 mills.
The two millage rates combined will total 7.065 mills.