Wilson attend Wisc. conference


Coweta County Fire Chief Pat Wilson was among 43 chief fire officers from across the nation were recently invited to participate in the 50th anniversary of Fire Rescue – Wingspread VI Conference in Racine, Wisconsin.

The three day event brought fire service and private sector leaders together to discuss and develop strategic recommendations related to the Fire-EMS services. Participants took advantage of learning opportunities from dynamic presenters and participated in five strategic planning works sessions, conference administrators said.

The goal was to take the collective thoughts from each team and build specific vision statements and achievable goals that will be used as a model for fire departments throughout the nation over the next 10 years based on questions regarding a number of fire and EMS topics including:

What does the next 10 years hold for the American fire service in regards to? The vison statements and achievable goals included he areas of:

• Operational and capital budgets

• Community relations

• Training and recruitment and retention

• Technology as it relates to operational response

• U.S. and world economies as they relate to local revenue streams and funding

• The “Big Six”:

– Member needs

– Customer needs

– Operational needs

– Facility needs

– Apparatus needs

– Sustainability needs

The resulting plan will serve as the model for all Fire-EMS service strategic needs, as well as, providing enhanced models for service delivery over the next decade.

The administrative team plans to release the final document to the American Fire-EMS service by the end of October.