Getting a jump start on college


About 200 students who will be juniors and seniors this year, along with their parents, attended McIntosh High’s College Jump Start Program to get information on strategies for getting into college, and to meet with college representatives from around the southeast, including Georgia.

Before students meet with college representatives, lead school counselor Hope Huey holds a seminar where she gives specific information on the college application procedure, and strategies that will help the student measure up in the admissions process. Her top tips include maintaining a good grade point average, getting involved in extracurricular activities, and taking on leadership roles to build a strong resume.

She also talks to students and parents about financial aid resources, where to find information on scholarships, and what to look for in a college that best suits the student.

A total of 16 colleges and universities were represented at the college fair portion of the program. They included Auburn University, Augusta University, Berry College, Columbus State University, Georgia College, Georgia Military College (Fayetteville), Georgia Southern University, Georgia State College, Kennesaw State University, Mississippi State University, Samford University, University of Alabama, University of North Georgia, University of Tennessee, University of West Georgia, and Wesleyan College.

The school’s former lead school counselor, Sonya Tucker, started the program about four years ago, and it has been maintained by Huey who now serves as the school’s lead counselor.

In one photo above, Collin Tyree talks with Colleen O’Neil, representing Berry College. In the other photo, McIntosh High student Catherine Connerat and Kimberly Norfork talk about opportunities at the University of Tennessee.