Time to fundamentally change our government


The British people have voted to leave the European Union. They have spoken and the issue is probably over. The leadership in the UK was opposed to BREXIT so the decision to leave was over the dead bodies of the government leaders.

The reasons for leaving are many, but that is not really what is significant. What is significant is that the people of the UK are displeased that their government is less interested in English well-being than the EU. They rightly feel that the English government should represent the English people.

What is really interesting is that a single important issue could topple the government and trigger the election of a new government. I like that. If the electorate is unhappy, it is possible to throw out the entire existing government. I call that responsive.

Here in the USA that cannot happen. Here we have periodic elections where some elected officials are up for elections so we voted to keep them or replace them a few at a time. When the entire Congress becomes ineffective and corrupt, as it has now, there isn’t much we can do about it.

We can replace, or not replace. As a result, the body as a whole remains intact even though it is totally gridlocked and cannot, or will not, legislate. Too bad. Even though our country desperately needs solutions for increasingly pressing issues, none are being addressed.

We have a “do nothing government” that pursues policies to suit monied special interests at the expense of the people as a whole. Look around. What is right in this country? Our nation is going to rack and ruin. We are ruled, not governed, by a bunch of lawyers whose number one priority is to enrich themselves and their rich and powerful friends. Important issues are decided by special interests like the NRA, ABA, AMA, etc., etc. No one seems to be interested in making America a better place to call home. The average voter is kept at bay and so confused by arguments over emotional non-issues that he doesn’t know what to think.

It is long past time for the people to take back government. What we have now is a pathetic aberration of what the founding fathers had in mind when they wrote the Constitution. A government of the people, by the people, for the people. Political power has been hijacked by a few very smart, competent, energetic, but corrupt individuals, as we, the public, have stood by not knowing what to think or do.

At this moment our country is in the midst of national elections. I have watched and listened as professional professional politicians have spewed very little but horse manure. Only two candidates have been open and forthright in stating their proposed policies. They are Bernie Sanders and, unfortunately, Donald Trump.

Sanders has shot himself in the foot by steadfastly identifying himself as a socialist. Despite this he has run a brilliant campaign by speaking unequivocally and directly about the real issues. His ideas have been right on.

Donald Trump also speaks directly about his views. Unfortunately he is wrong about almost everything he says and panders to a vocal minority that advocates ideas and policies that bring to mind Adolf Hitler in his unfortunate climb to power.

The rest of the field of candidates speak out of both sides of their mouths depending on who they are addressing. Frankly, I cannot tell where Hillary Clinton really stands. Much of the time I cannot figure what she really thinks or proposes. And, it is true that she is too close to Wall Street.

OK. You know what I think. It is time for fundamental change. By that I mean constitutional change that would allow the people of this country to have a say on how things should be and what the future should look like.

Remove the barriers to popular participation in government policies. Referendum instead of polls to find out what the voters actually think. Direct voting, as on the Internet. Get rid of the Electoral College. We don’t need it. Find a way to get at Congress. Ask yourself: Who is their watchdog? Make government responsive to the will of the people.

These are a few ideas, but we have fallen so far behind with our current broken government systems that I hardly know where to start. I do know, however, that political change is thing one and the time is now.

David Browning
Fayetteville, Ga.
[email protected]