Free boater safety class July 30


The Fayette County Marshal’s Office, in conjunction with the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, will host a boater education class Saturday, July 30, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. at the Fayette County Administrative Complex, 140 Stonewall Ave. W. in Fayetteville.

This course satisfies the legal requirements passed 2014 requiring everyone born in 1998 or later who operate any motorized vessel on state waters to complete a boating education course. The course is also very beneficial to boaters of many skill levels, covering different types of boats, safe operation, legal requirements, and how to handle emergencies.

The course is free, but is limited to 30 participants. Sign up at (you will need to create an account).

Questions?  Contact Sgt. Lem Miller, Fayette County Marshal’s Office, 770-305-5198.