PTC Council ready to vote on spending extra penny sales tax


Proposed project list contains $2.5 million donation to build a performing arts center

The June 16 meeting of the Peachtree City Council will see a likely vote on the city’s SPLOST (special purpose local option sales tax) list, hear an update on MacDuff Parkway construction and discuss the city’s participation in a countywide branding initiative.

The council will likely finalize the projects for the proposed SPLOST initiative. A 5-year SPLOST is expected to generate $37.5 million while a 6-year SPLOST would bring in $45.3 million.

The 6-year SPLOST proceeds would include a $2.5 million donation as the city’s share of the cost of a cultural and performing arts center, details of which have not been publicly disclosed. The notion of an arts center got a push from Fayette County School Superintendent Joseph Barrow earlier this year when he disclosed that he had a $20 million matching commitment from a private donor toward an anticipated construction cost of $40 million. Local governments have been lobbied to contribute their share of the other $20 million.

To date, no details of where the center would be built or who would be in charge of it have been disclosed to the public.

The council on June 16 is expected to receive an update on the construction of MacDuff Parkway.

The council will also consider authorizing $10,000 for a countywide branding program.

A project of the Fayette Visioning Initiative, Fayette County Chamber of Commerce, Peachtree City Visitors and Convention Bureau and the Fayette County Development Authority, the countywide initiative would cost a total of $90,000.

Program objectives includes enhancing economic development, talent recruitment and fostering community cohesiveness.