FCHS band boosters host tourney


The Fayette County High School Band Boosters’ 15th annual charity golf tournament is scheduled for Saturday, April 30, at Whitewater Creek Golf & Country Club, 175 Birkdale Drive in Fayetteville.

Registration begins at noon with a 1:30 p.m. shotgun start in a four-person scramble format.

Cost is $85 per person (age 16 and over) or $320 per foursome. A spectator-only pass is $25. Prices include meals/snacks, greens fees and carts, hole-in-one opportunity, door prizes, unlimited range balls, player goodie bag, silent auction, putting contest with a cash prize, longest drive and closest to the pin. There will be awards for the top three teams. Sponsorship opportunities are available.

Info and registration at www.FayetteGolf2016.eventbrite.com. For more information phone 404-379-1627.