“Becoming Scam Smart” is scheduled for Tuesday, April 5, 1-2:30 p.m. at Fayette Senior Services’ Peachtree City location (McIntosh Place, 191 McIntosh Trail).
Jennifer Bentley with the Better Business Bureau is back to give us an update on the newest top rated scams to be on the lookout for. In addition, she will introduce us to Scam Tracker, a new way for consumers and businesses to report scams to track who they’re targeting by age, gender and location. This also creates a list for individuals to look up scams by location and see who is being hit with the same scam attempts.
This program is free but pre-registration is required at 770-461-0813 or [email protected] (include name, phone number and event title). FSS members and non-members welcome. For more information, visit www.fayss.org.