Fayette Presbyterian will host barbecue enthusiast


Fayette Presbyterian Church will host “ReFuel” tonight at a special Wednesday night program.

This week only, the church will offer a presentation by local barbecue aficionado, Peter Lewin, on “The Art of Barbecue.”

Lewin’s topics will include how to cook 86 pounds of pork, how to adapt a home grill to barbecue (in smaller portions), insight into different types of grills and smokes, knowledge of the different types of fuels and smoking wood, and, if there’s time, Lewin’s story, entitled “One man’s Journey into the World of Barbecue.” The presentation will begin at 6:30 p.m.

There are also programs for kids, youth, and nursery available.

Come early for the weekly Fellowship dinner at 5:30 p.m. The menu is barbecue, of course.

For dinner reservations, call the church office at 770-461-7147 or email church@fayettepcusa.org.  

Fayette Presbyterian Church is located at 791 Forrest Ave. (Ga. Highway 92 North) in Fayetteville.