Brown and all that millennials stuff


I don’t know Fayette County Commissioner Steve Brown, but to quote Will Rogers: “Well, all I know is what I read in the papers.”

But reading his letter to the editor in the March 16 edition of The Citizen left me wondering who helped him write this. He hadn’t impressed me in the past with any of his letters. I was amazed with his vast knowledge of the material he quoted from various economists on the social fabric of our nation.

I moved to Fayette County over 12 years ago and at that time I believe he was on the Peachtree City Council and has continued to be involved in the political climate of Fayette County.

In that 12 years, it seems he was always involved in some controversy wherever he was, just saying. Now he writes this lengthy article relating studies in this country and from all over the world on the economy. I am impressed. I didn’t know he was so sociologically and economically adept.

All the stuff he related to was interesting but it has nothing whatsoever to do with trying to keep millennials from moving to and staying in our county.

Fayette County was and still is a bedroom community to Atlanta. There has been tremendous growth here in the past 30 years. There will continue to be people of all age groups coming here because this is where the growth is.

I’m sure most “millennials” want to prosper as well as we older “baby boomers” do. Some millennials and many others want everything given to them, a la, Bernie Sanders (funny that his initials are BS). Another quote from Will Rogers, “I’m not a member of an organized political party, I’m a Democrat.”

I really like living in Fayette County and I hope to be around to see how this area thrives in the years to come. (I am one of those pundits in my late 60s). If you live in a thriving and vibrant community and you have competent leaders, the sky’s the limit.

Calvin Griffin
Fayetteville, Ga.