Walking Dead fan bites Daryl


Cast members of “The Walking Dead” being bitten by toothy zombies in Senoia is a common occurence. But Norman Reedus (known to fans as Daryl Dixon) got a surprise when a fan-turned-walker decided to chomp down on one of the show’s stars at a recent Stalker Con event.

Numerous reports from sites following the wildly popular television show filmed in Senoia stated that Reedus, one of the cast members present at Walker Stalker Con NY/NJ, was nibbled on by a female fan who had been in line for a photo with Reedus and Michael Rooker, the departed cast member who played Merle Dixon, Daryl’s brother.

Event security was standing a couple of feet from Reedus when the fan opened her mouth and tried to take a chunk out of his chest, according to TMZ.

It seems that the woman told Reedus that she like to pretend that she is married to him, according to newsmax.com.

Reedus was reportedly uninjured and did not seek medical attention from the bite that did not break the skin, according to reports.

As for Reedus, an experienced zombie fighter and upstanding citizen in the zombie apocalypse world, he declined to press charges.

And as for the over-exuberant woman, she suffered a fate worse than death, at least for a fan. She was ejected from the event and has been barred from future Walker Stalker conventions, according to reports.

For years now, fans of The Walking Dead have travelled to Senoia from all over the world to get a glimpse of cast members and visit “Woodbury” and the environs of Senoia used as sets for the television show.

The Citizen is happy to report that, as far as is known, the mass of fans populating Senoia have all kept their mouths shut except, of course, for the cheering.