Some Christmas wishes for our government


With all the things going on in the world today, here is the Christmas present that I hope you get from governments in the United States of America.

I hope you get a government that does not spy on you and then lies to you. I hope you have a government that has to obtain a warrant for access to your private records and not be circumvented by a secret FISA court which is not actually a court because we are not made aware of any charges and we are unable to defend ourselves.

I hope you get a government that does not track your movements without cause.

I hope you get a government that does not use scare tactics after terrorist attacks to convince you to give up your liberties in order to protect your liberties.

I hope you get a federal government where the various law enforcement and security agencies give up their parochial interests and actually work together, sharing information to protect the citizens.

I hope you get a federal government that recognizes there are terrorists residing within our borders and that crying for gun control after a terrorist event like the one in San Bernardino to punish law-abiding citizens is a complete waste of time.

I hope you get a government that does not tell us they will have to vote on the bill before we can read it.

I hope you get a government at all levels where elected officials actually do what they promise when they are campaigning for election.

I hope you get a government where special lobbying interests do not overrule the will and best interests of the citizens.

I hope you get a government where honesty, free speech and inclusion are important. One where your public comment is not timed with a stopwatch and citizens are always allowed to speak, not just when the government feels like listening.

I hope you get a government where secret deals and special exemptions for a few never exist.

I hope you will understand that the only way to get respectable government is actively holding it accountable, showing up, voicing dissent when necessary and voting.

This would be the best gift our children and grandchildren ever received. Merry Christmas.

Steve Brown, Commissioner
Fayette Board of Commissioners
Peachtree City, Ga.