Kathy Brewer will listen to F’ville voters


“My primary litmus test in voting for a local candidate is will the candidate listen to the voters.”

Kathy Brewer will! Having gotten to know Kathy through our successful neighborhood effort opposing the ill-conceived Grady Avenue apartment project and the county takeover of Fayetteville’s Fire Department, I am convinced Kathy would represent the voters and be a valuable asset to our community if elected to the City Council this November.

I sat through City Council hearings and actively opposed the two proposals. I witnessed both Kathy and her opponent, Councilman Mickey Edwards, in action. Mr. Edward’s performance and his failure to respond to the community’s overwhelming outcry convinced me that he must go. We cannot tolerate officials who do not represent us.

With her background and demonstrated performance, Kathy is the right person for the job. We need Kathy!

Robert A. Lester, retired attorney
Fayetteville, Ga.