Getting ready for winter


Fayette Senior Services will present “Switching Gears to Winter” Wednesday, Oct. 14, 1:30-2:30 p.m. at The Life Enrichment Center, 4 Center Drive in Fayetteville.

After a hot, humid summer there are many things you may want to consider to prepare your home for the cold winter quickly approaching. It is important to review the condition of your home each year for a number of things that may need attention before a small problem becomes a larger and more expensive one. Mr. Fix It Lamar Feagans will help us make informed decisions on how to look for and handle these potential problems. Bring any questions you have for discussion.

The program is free but pre-registration is required at 770-461-0813 or [email protected] (include name, phone number and event title and location). FSS members and non-members welcome. For more information visit