Scout project improves shelter


Gabe Richmond from Boy Scout Troop 73 completed his Eagle Scout Project July 18 at the Fayette County Animal Shelter. He had several members from his troop, family, and friends come out to help, working more than five hours in the hot weather.

They worked on two sheds located behind the shelter, replacing several boards inside the sheds. They caulked the interior, made shelves along the interior walls, replaced a ramp, cleared vegetation growing around the buildings, and took piles of garbage to the dumpster.

“[The sheds] were in disrepair and could not be used. By fixing the sheds, shelter staff are now able to use the sheds again, which opens up more space in the building,” said shelter director Rani Rathburn. “The shelter staff were extremely appreciative of Mr. Richmond and everyone who worked on the project.”

Scouts interested in working on a project at the Animal Shelter can contact Rathburn at [email protected].