PTCUMC helps build new Methodist churches in Colombia


In July, a small mission team from the Global Outreach Team at Peachtree City United Methodist Church visited a new Methodist congregation in Colombia, South America, formed only last year.

Located in the Caribbean coastal city of Santa Marta, the new church was begun in August 2014, with a young female pastor named Elsy. In the short period of its existence, Elsy has formed six house churches in Santa Marta with approximately 40 adult and 60 children involved.

“She uses a unique evangelical approach to build her congregation,” said Ted Reissing, one of the PTCUMC team members.  “She goes to local marketplaces to meet people, has follow-up visits to their homes and through prayer and contact has achieved a remarkable growth in this short period.  ”

The PTCUMC missions group visited some of the home churches to provide new skills for the adults teaching classes in crochet and shell crafts.

The PTCUMC GO-Team now has partnered with groups on all continents except Australia and also serves many local and regional charities.

For additional information, contact Dr. Quincy Brown, serve minister, at the church.


PTCUMC Global Outreach Team member Kay Reissing taught local women of Santa Marta, Colombia, crochet techniques while on a recent mission trip. The Methodist Church there was formed only last year and has a congregation of about 40 adults and 60 children. Photo/Special.