Code Orange smog alert issued


Georgia Commute Options, a program of the Georgia Department of Transportation,  has issued a “Code Orange” Smog Alert for Tuesday, July 28. A “Code Orange” alert means that the air is unhealthy for sensitive groups, like older adults, children, and those who suffer from heart or lung conditions (including asthma). This is metro Atlanta’s third “Code Orange” for the 2015 smog season.

Smog Alerts are color-coded based on the Air Quality Index which categorizes air quality in Green, Yellow, Orange, Red and Purple based on concentration of pollutants. Georgia Commute Options provides Smog Alerts on days when there’s a forecast for air pollution to reach unhealthy concentration levels— Code Orange or higher. Metro Atlanta residents can subscribe to these at In 2014, there were 11 Smog Alerts — nine Code Orange alerts and two Code Purple (very unhealthy) alerts.