County begins final EPD consent order project


The Fayette County Water System is scheduled to start the final capital improvement project outlined in the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) consent order, county officials reported.

The Filtration System Improvements Project, along with the previously approved Chemical System and Actuator Improvements Project, addresses the major capital improvement projects that were part of the EPD consent order.

Each respective capital improvement significantly enhances operations at the Crosstown Water Treatment Plant and the South Fayette Water Treatment Plant. The filter project specially addresses seven major capital improvement projects for the county water system noted in the Sanitary Survey Inspection.

This capital improvement project includes a complete remodel of the filtration system which will include new filter controls, valves and actuators, new media, new stainless steel under drains, new purate chlorine dioxide system, and a powder activated carbon feed system with dual feed points at the Crosstown WTP.

The project is expected to take 18 months to complete.