132-acre rezoning for homes on Thurs. Fayette agenda


A public hearing regarding the potential rezoning of a 132-acre tract for a single-family conservation subdivision is among the items to be heard Thursday night by the Fayette County Board of Commissioners at its regular meeting.

The site fronts on Lees Lake Road and Coastline Road and the petition is for rezoning from R-70 to C-S.

Both county staff and the Planning Commission have recommended approval with one condition: that the owner/developer provide, at no cost to the county, a quit-claim deed for 40 feet of right-of-way as measured from the centerline of Coastline Road prior to the approval of the final plat and said dedication area shall be shown on the final plat.

The other public hearing on the agenda is to transfer an existing 2014 Retail Alcohol, Beer and Wine License from Msuleman Gillani to Mansoor Bhamani, doing business as One Stop Amoco/BP, 2950 Hwy. 138 in Fayetteville. All county code requirements have been met and there are no outstanding violations by the applicant, according to county staff.

The consent agenda includes a request from the Fayette County Juvenile Court for authorization for file a grant application with the Criminal Justice Coordination Council in the amount of $76,432. The Juvenile Court is seeking to apply for continuation of its funding to maintain the Functional Family Therapy program another year.

According to county officials, this program “will help divert juveniles from either entering the juvenile justice system or from further involvement in the system. By focusing on diversion / early intervention measures, these programs will help promote a positive relationship between youth, their families, and their community.”

Also on the consent agenda is a resolution adoption the annual report on fire services impact fees, prepared in collaboration with Tyrone, Brooks and Woolsey. Other items include the potential addition of Stillbrook Estates (Phase II) and Rocky Fork subdivisions to the county’s street light program.

New business includes consideration of ordinance changes regarding floodplain management. Proposed amendments include changing the administrating department from Stormwater to Environmental Management and incorporating required changes made to the ordinance by both the Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District and the Georgian Environmental Protection Division.

The board will consider a staff request to award a preliminary engineering services contract for up to $113,980.48 to Heath & Lineback Engineers for work on the Redwine Road multi-use path project.

Also up for consideration is a proposal by Commissioner Steve Brown to allow employees of local corporations to use Lake McIntosh Park under certain guidelines.

A pair of proclamations are on the agenda, one designating April as National Alcohol Awareness Month and the other citing May 4 as Water Professionals Appreciation Day.

Joshua Frasier will be honored as the county’s 2015 Firefighter of the Year.