‘Tyger Dye 5k Fun Run’ to benefit FCHS Class of 2018


Getting fit is more fun with Fayette Tigers.

Join them for the first annual “Tyger Dye 5k Fun Run” and color yourself and the community happy on May 9.

A $20 registration includes t-shirt and access to all the color stations along the route.  Optional $5 gets VIP access to the Color Fest After Party.  Tyger Dye entry forms can be picked up at the front office or printed from the FCHS website: www.fchstigers.org.

Proceeds benefit the Fayette County High Class of 2018.  For details, go to the FCHS homepage to download the Tyger Dye form and waiver or contact 2018 class sponsors at [email protected] or
[email protected].