NFC Ministries hosts gala Valentine party


The New Family of Christ Ministries in Fayetteville celebrated Valentine with a “Restoration of Love” event which began with songs of praise, a wonderful dinner feast, fun and games, and a unique version of Deal or No Deal, where everyone won a prize.

The keynote speaker was Pastor John A Nash, B.A., M.Div., whose fun-filled address engaged everyone to participate, and encouraged all to think of new and exciting ways of bringing love back into their marriages, relationships and homes.

Nash received his bachelor of science in education from Fayetteville State University, his master of divinity from Johnson C. Smith University (I.T.C.), and completed additional theological studies in Old and New Testament from Calvin Theological Seminary.

He is currently an undergraduate level associate professor at Beulah Heights University in Atlanta.

Nash also is the founding president of John Nash Ministries Inc., a nonprofit organization specializing in leadership training, pastoral conflict mediation, pre-marital counseling and marriage counseling.

New Family of Christ Ministries in north Fayette County is on the move and growing, with plans to reach out into the community. Future plans include a Food Distribution program to help the needy, and a Prayer Breakfast in spring.

The church meets at 572 Westbridge Rd. Pastors are Barbara and Bill Holmes. For more information, call 770-716-6342.