Sandy Creek Air Force JROTC earns excellent marks


The Sandy Creek High School unit of the Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFJROTC) has received the highest rating available.

Sandy Creek has the only Air Force JROTC program in the Fayette County School System.

The designation of “Exceeds Standards” was awarded after a formal unit evaluation last month. Units are evaluated on performance and compliance with U.S. Department of Defense and Air Force instructions.

In a letter referencing the evaluation, Headquarters Air Force JROTC Director Colonel Bobby C. Woods Jr. said Sandy Creek’s program is the definition of a successful unit and establishes a benchmark for others to follow.

“Achieving a rating of ‘Exceeds Standards’ is no small feat, it takes a team effort and lots of hard work,” Woods said. “Both of these attributes were evident throughout the course of the assessment.”

The letter commended instructors Major (Retired) Shon Dodson and Chief Master Sergeant (Retired) Mark Davidson for their leadership, and the unit’s cadets for their professionalism and dedication to service.