Northgate High student arrested for making bomb threat


A Northgate High School student was arrested on felony charges Jan. 28 in connection with a bomb threat he made earlier in the day after being suspended from school.

Brandon Dale Hammond, 17, was charged with felony making terroristic threats and disrupting a public school according to Lt. Col. James Yarbrough with the Coweta County Sheriff’s Office.

Yarbrough said Hammond had been disciplined earlier in the day on Wednesday and had been subsequently suspended. Hammond later that morning emailed a bomb threat to the school, Yarbrough said. The arrest was made Wednesday night, Yarbrough added.

Coweta County School System spokesman Dean Jackson at the site Wednesday morning said the east Coweta high school received an email bomb threat at 10:21 a.m.

Safety procedures were put in place and the students and staff were evacuated to a safe place on campus, said Jackson. Simultaneous with that action, law enforcement and safety personnel responded to the scene, Jackson said.

As a further precaution and following established procedures, staff and students were evacuated to an off-campus location, Jackson said.

Jackson said a search of the campus by law enforcement and school system employees familiar with the school resulted in nothing suspicious being found.

Students and staff returned to the building after the all-clear was given, with the first buses returning to the campus at 1 p.m.