Marriage workshop coming to FFUMC Jan. 31


“Pathways to the Heart … Pathways to Growth,” an informative marriage celebration event for couples of all ages and stages of life, is coming to Fayetteville First United Methodist Church on Jan. 31 from 1 to 8:30 p.m. Childcare is provided at no charge for the entire event.

Better Marriages of Georgia will partner with FFUMC to present three workshops, a romantic dinner and an evening concert to foster healthy marriages by offering insight, practical ideas and quality time for couples.

Workshops will be led by Cleve and Joy Kiser of Fayetteville along with other Leader Couples with Better Marriages of Georgia.

“The Gift of Presence, The Miracle of Dialogue” will reinforce communication skills and offer a private opportunity to experience effective conversations and understanding.

In addition, two concurrent workshops are designed for those at different but equally challenging stages. “Parenting & Growing Together” will help parents of young children connect with each other as they explore parenting roles and balance their time with each other and their children.

“Caregiving: Altar to Alterations” is for couples facing the challenges of balancing life while taking care of aging parents, family health issues and possibly grandchildren. Couples will gain experience in identifying issues and discovering solutions for staying connected while meeting often unexpected demands.

After the workshops and a romantic dinner catered by Carrabba’s, participants will be entertained by The Wandering Shepherds, an energetic bluegrass group who has presented standing ovation performances at numerous venues including other marriage celebration events.

Cost for the entire event is $60 per couple. Childcare is provided. Cost for the dinner and concert only is $30. Registration may be made online at or by contacting Cleve Kiser at 770-461-5542 or the FFUMC church office at 770-461-4313.

Fayetteville First UMC is at 175 East Lanier Ave., Fayetteville.