Fayette prepares to pave Starr’s Mill cart path


Plans by Fayette County are in place to construct a section of cart path along Redwine Road that will tie in to the cart path work recently approved by the Fayette County Board of Education for the Starr’s Mill school complex.

County Clerk Floyd Jones on Dec. 2 said the Fayette County Commission unanimously approved the new path section along Redwine Road that will bring students in golf carts down to Panther Path where a sheriff’s deputy will manage morning school traffic. The new crossing will create the safest conditions, Jones said.

“We may have to obtain small amounts of right-of-way from adjacent landowners to insure enough width for the multi-use path and provide adequate drainage,” said Commission Chairman Steve Brown. “Depending upon how fast we can secure that right-of-way, we could have the new section complete by late spring or summer.”

Fayette County Public Works Director Phil Mallon the portion of the project approved by commissioners is in the area closest to Panther Path which includes a parallel cart path on the west side of Redwine Road and a cart crossing.

The county is currently preparing an in-house cost estimate for that project, Mallon said, adding that the project cost is expected to be known in January.

The other portion of the cart path project includes the areas to north which extend to the Birkdale Drive/Quarters Road area. Mallon said federal funds will be available for that portion of the project. The county is currently in the procurement phase to hire an engineer to conduct the design process.

The school board on Dec. 1 unanimously approved an $81,000 bid to install cart paths and parking spaces to accommodate golf carts at Starr’s Mill school complex.

Though the project cost was initially estimated at $120,000-125,000, Facilities Director Mike Satterfield said the low bid from Southside Striping LLC was $81,400.

Satterfield said that, weather permitting, the bulk of the work can be completed in the next two weeks. The portion of the project dealing with installing a raised crosswalk will be completed during Christmas vacation, Satterfield said.

Starr’s Mill High School will be responsible for handling golf cart permits and initiating the process for carts to access the campus.

The project will have a raised crosswalk along Panther Path between Peeples Elementary School and Rising Starr Middle School. A nine-foot cart path will extend 1,000 feet to the site of a parking area for 250 golf carts and a second raised crosswalk. Another cart path totaling 900 feet will extend across the front of the middle and high schools. Rounding out the project will be the provision for another 50 golf carts on a seldom-used access road on the southeast side of the complex.