Fayetteville Main Street’s Christmas ornament has arrived


Fayetteville Main Street Program’s annual Christmas ornament has arrived. The scene this year is from a painting of the Post House by local artist Vicki Turner.

Turner has 41 years of experience in art and design. She has been previously chosen to paint a Christmas ornament representing the state of Georgia for the Washington, D.C., White House Christmas tree.

The Fayette County ornament is for sale at $10 and can be purchased at Fayetteville City Hall, the Main Street Welcome Center in the old Courthouse on the Square, and the Holliday-Dorsey-Fife Museum.

The building of the structure known as the American Legion Post House in Fayetteville is a result of a WPA Project in 1935-1936. The Works Progress Administration was a project of President Franklin Roosevelt during the Great Depression and gave unemployed men sorely needed income, in this case, many Fayette Countians. The federally funded project had to be built by Fayette County workers and upon completion was turned over to the American Legion Post 105 which still owns and operates the building.

It has been the scene for family reunions, weddings, Scouting events, craft and sport card sales, and various training sessions. It contains two mammoth fireplaces that were handcrafted on each end of the main room, which contains 1,980 square feet.

Some of the information about the historic building was provided by Robert Ladd, historian for Post 105.