Kassems receive award for advocacy


Fayetteville residents, Dr. Mohamad and Lynne Kassem, received the prestigious NobisWorks Luminary Award for Professional Advocacy at the recent Galaxy of Stars & Tommy Awards in Atlanta. As owners and founders of ClearWater Academy in Tyrone, the Kassems have championed students with learning differences and disabilities offering them a unique blend of academics, social and emotional development and therapies.

The Galaxy of Stars Luminary Award for Professional Advocacy honors professional leaders who have campaigned for the needs and rights of individuals with disabilities. NobisWorks, established by one of the NFL’s most prolific line backers and Atlanta Falcons great, Tommy Nobis, develops and provides job training, employment and vocational support for youth and adults with disabilities and other barriers to employment.

The Kassems’ passion and commitment for empowering students with disabilities began with their own son, diagnosed with Pervasive Development Delay and other learning differences