Shopping center planned for Newnan Bypass


The economic climate in Coweta County continues to improve. Evidence of that reality will come Aug. 19 when county commissioners conduct a public hearing on a proposal that would create nearly 163,000 square feet of retail and office space along Newnan Bypass East at Poplar Road.

Located primarily on the east side of the bypass, the majority of the 79.38 acres is situated south of Poplar Road, north of Turkey Creek Road and immediately west of Interstate 85.

Divided into two rezoning requests, Big Poplar LLC is asking that the larger tract totaling 74.66 acres go from RC (rural conservation) to C-7 (major shopping center) and the 4.72-acre tract on the west side of the bypass be rezoned from RC to C-6 (minor shopping center).

The conceptual site plan for the project shows the larger tract on the east side of the bypass with 140,900 sq. ft of retail and office space while the smaller tract west of the bypass would include 22,000 sq. ft of retail. A portion of the 74.66-acre tract would front Poplar Road.

In total, the large tract would include 21 lots, according to the concept plan. Of those, 14 would have a building of 3,350 sq. ft, three would have buildings of 4,200-4,400 sq. ft., one lot for a gas station would total 6,000 sq. ft, two of the lots would serve buildings of 22,000 sq. ft. while the remaining lot of 31,000 sq. ft. would be a hotel site.

The county planing commission recommended approval of the project request with a number of conditions.

The proposed economic development along the bypass is not the only activity occurring in the area. Property immediately to the east will be the site of the new Poplar Road interchange at I-85. And immediately to the south of Turkey Creek Road, construction is beginning to extend the bypass to Ga. Highway 16 and U.S. Highway 29.