‘Socialist’ water policy


I am a senior citizen that lives on Social Security and a long time resident of Fayette County. I want to express my voice in opposition to this new socialist type of water leak decision. What next? If my neighbor’s car breaks down will I have to pay a percentage of that as well? What about when he can’t pay his rent or taxes? Why not offer a plan whereas the pipe would be fixed if it leaked; like the $4 a month I pay on my hot water heater that will be replaced should it break down. That way everyone would benefit for what they pay out.

That will be $32 a year plus the $64 a year for the rain that runs off my roof for $68 a year out of my limited income. This means that if I experience a leak, I will only receive a percentage of the over usage because of the leak – but it also means if I don’t ever have a leak then I will be paying for other people’s leak. That is socialism.

You guys make healthy salaries I am sure and don’t understand how hard it is being gouged more and more and more for utilities and fees and taxes. You are making the poor more poor and the middle class poor and that in no way makes the rich poorer. I have to pay $1 extra every month on my phone bill because so many people dropped their land line phones for their cell phones. When you are having a nice dinner out – think about those of us who live on cheap TV dinners and canned goods.

My home insurance went up because of all the hail damage a couple of years ago done to other people’s roofs – not mine.

I posted this on our neighborhood Facebook page and to save time and energy I will just re-post here:

Did any of you open your water bill yet? We got our first socialist water bill. It seems they have been losing money on paying for water for folks who have had leaks in the past, so they decided to share the wealth.

We will be paying $36 a year extra on top of the $62 they are charging us for the rain that flows off our roofs. That is $68 a year and has nothing to do with how much water we use. I use 1/2 the minimum because I conserve, and now I have to pay this extra money each month.

The commissioners voted on this and if we don’t pay and we have a water leak – we will be billed for all the water leaked and no adjustment. If we do and we have a water leak, they will pay the average of the last six month’s bill – I think it is six months – and that is what you will have to pay if you have a leak – if you don’t then you will just be paying for someone else’s water leak. That seems like blackmail.

I hand wash my dishes – wash one load of clothes a week; dry them on a wooden rack, and now I will have to pay all of this? I never water my yard or take long showers. I, like, some of you – I live on Social Security and when it is gone it is gone. That money is grocery money for me. I have to pay the same price for a loaf of bread that Donald Trump does – is that fair or would that also be socialism.

Just wondered how you feel about this. My gas usage this month was less than $25, and my bill was over $50 – rest in taxes and fees; and A T & T over charged me by $14 and my neighbor picked me up some Captain D’s for dinner, and they overcharged me by $3. And of course, I was in the middle of an e-mail today when Comcast shut down again. And there is nothing on TV worth watching and I rarely watch TV except for a few select shows. I am going to contact the Commissioners tomorrow whether it does any good or not. Cable companies should be required to furnish all local TV programming at no cost. They took our free TV which was paid for by commercials and promised us no ads in the beginning; and now 50 percent of programing is ads and we have to pay for our previously free channels. AND and have to pay the county – their share.

And besides that I popped a Tyson’s frozen omelet in the microwave yesterday morning and took it out of the wrapper, and I had also cooked some insects which were hiding there. Then popped another flat bread with sausage and egg and cheese. When I took it out of the toaster and the flat bread was an inch thick and hard as a rock, and I scooped the ingredients off the top to put on a piece of toast and there was exactly one (1) tablespoon of ingredients on top. And those things are expensive. I called Tyson and posted it on Facebook. And to think folks who rebelled against the stamp tax brought on a revolution. Won’t even go there on the constant increases on stamps. Anyone know how to dig a well?

Commissioners: I would also like to report our neighborhood has done all that it can do by making phone calls regarding Comcast shutting down for several minutes EVERY DAY at first it was during the lunchtime hour and now it can be anytime. A lot of people work from home, and this causes a lot of grief. I called Comcast thinking it was just my problem. They sent a man out, and he said there was nothing wrong at my house and then I discovered that is it happening through tout the whole neighborhood. You guys have the contract with them, and we pay county taxes on this and we would like for you to pick up the phone and do something about this.

Patricia Walston, via e-mail