Hopewell UMC ladies have Christmas in July


Six members of Hopewell UMC’s United Methodist women met on Friday, July 25, to celebrate Christmas in July. Julie Compton, of Sassy Chick Paint Parties, helped the women paint a jolly snowman to use in their Christmas décor.

“It’s surprising how Compton can guide the untrained hands of ‘wannabe’ painters to execute a frame worthy piece of art they can be proud to display,” said Elaine Pierce, a member of the group.

The women continued the theme by playing Christmas music and preparing delightful snacks to fortify them for their task.

In addition to fun events like this, the women are avid supporters of many local charities. They prepare one Wednesday Night Supper a month to raise funds for these charities.

Hopewell is located at 351 Jenkins Rd., in Tyrone, directly across from Sandy Creek High. For more information about the church contact the office at 770-306-7537.

Members of Hopewell United Methodist Women proudly display their masterpieces. The women celebrated “Christmas in July” by painting a cheerful snowman, playing Christmas music, and eating Christmas inspired snacks. Pictured left to right, front row, Sharon Collins, Debbie Hamby, Elaine Pierce, back row, Ellen Brooks, Michele Adams, and Kristina Castagnola. Photo/Special.