‘Meet the candidates’ event at Wyndham April 29


If you’re wondering who you’ll vote for in the upcoming May primary election, you should mark Tuesday, April 29 on your calendar.

That’s when the Rotary Club of Peachtree City will host a “Meet and Greet the Candidates Night” from 7-9 p.m. at the Wyndham Peachtree Conference Center.

Candidates with opposition in the May 20 Primary Election will briefly speak about themselves and their platform. Afterward, the public will be able to visit with the candidates in an open face to face conversation.

Candidates for the following posts have been invited: Fayette County Commission Posts 3 and 5; Fayette County School Board of Education Posts 4 and 5; State Senate Districts 16 and 34; and U.S. Representative for District 3.

For additional information please contact [email protected].

The Peachtree City Rotary Club has a long history of promoting civic involvement in elections by hosting candidate Q&A forums for city council candidates and offering “meet and greet” events so the public can meet candidates and ask them questions one-on-one.