Thanks, Cathy Berggren, for serving


In 1999 the Real Life Center was started to help those hurting in Fayette County.

Right from the start, Cathy Berggren assisted in serving, praying with clients, and sorting clothes and more. In 2003, Cathy became the executive director and for the next 10 years has grown the center to two counties, two thrift stores, an orchard, a uniquely created holistically designed program to help clients, and a network of community involvement.

On your 10 year anniversary as executive director, Cathy, we say thank you. Thank you for your service, your love that has reached across barriers of gender, ethnicity, and religion.

You have worked tirelessly to make every penny be accounted for that has come in and never wasted. You have given us a place that we as a community can be proud of, respect, and promote. Your heart does beat with compassion and you have taught us how to have ours beat that way as well.

We are so proud of you, we will continue to support you and the Real Life Center in all that you do, and, though thanks seems not enough, we say thank you. We can’t wait to see what you create next.

Arwen Mullikin
Fayetteville, Ga.