Fayette County FES receives grant for cardiac monitors


Fayette County Fire and Emergency Services recently received a $239,000 grant from the Assistance to Firefighters grant program for eight new cardiac monitor/defibrillators. The grant comes by way of the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

FES spokesman Donnie Davis said the units will be placed in department ambulances and squads to enhance Advanced Life Support (ALS) service delivery to citizens with cardiac emergencies.

“The department has had great success over the years in obtaining local, state and federal grants for projects such as these cardiac monitors,” said Chief David Scarbrough. “The successful acquisition of these grants reduces our budget expenditures and greatly enhances the quality and effectiveness of our services to the community.”

Davis said the monitors have the ability to wirelessly transmit EKG data directly to emergency room physicians in advance of the ambulance arrival. By upgrading and standardizing this equipment, this will allow FES paramedics to meet medical attention protocols by having all ALS transport and quick-response units capable of providing a 12-lead ECG with transmission capability, Davis said.