Chick-fil-A plan for 54W tabled by PTC planners


Concerns about potential problems with traffic circulation led the Peachtree City Planning Commission to table consideration of a conceptual site plan for a new Chick-fil-A restaurant on Ga. Highway 54 West.

The site design is complicated by the restaurant’s location next to the already-approved RaceTrac gas station in the newly-named Overlook retail center, which is on the south side of the highway adjacent to Planterra Way.

When a company representative appeared before the commission Monday night, several commissioners noted that it appeared Chick-fil-A had not taken into account any of the suggestions the commission provided at a previous workshop meeting.

One of the main concerns was the lack of a second lane going around the restaurant alongside the drive-through lane. A company representative noted that was done on purpose: to prevent pedestrian conflict near the drive-through window. Chick-fil-A could perhaps change the orientation of its store by 90 degrees to accommodate a second lane around the drive through, commissioners noted.

Another concern from the commission was about where delivery trucks would park on the site. It was suggested that the double drive-through entry and the dumpster area could be relocated to create a delivery area at the rear of the site.

As for some of the other issues that were unaddressed, it was noted that the site would be reduced in grade about 25 feet and thus there won’t be a chance to keep most of the vegetation on the parcel. Chick-fil-A does plan to add more landscaping to compensate and meet the city’s tree replacement requirements.

The planning commission also had hoped Chick-fil-A could provide a pedestrian walkway link to the adjacent RaceTrac, but the restaurant does not have the necessary access agreement with the convenience store, a Chick-fil-A representative said.

Ultimately, the commission was disappointed that more of its suggestions weren’t taken into consideration on the plan.

“I don’t have the impression that any one of our concerns were adequately addressed,” said Planning Commissioner Aaron Daily.

Commission Chairman Frank Destadio noted that a number of other corporations have given design concessions to the city, perhaps most recently and prominently for the new Walgreens pharmacy at the intersection of Hwy. 54 and Peachtree Parkway.

“There’s no doubt that Chick-fil-A is a great company. I’d just like to see a little more concessions to Peachtree City,” Destadio said.