F’ville cop resigns after 2 women complain of groping


An investigation by the Fayetteville Police Dept. led to the mid-February resignation of Lt. Glen Askew based on the statements of two local women and Askew’s polygraph results that indicated deception.

The investigation concluded that the allegations made by two Fayetteville women had merit when they reported that Askew while at their homes showed explicit images of a nude woman and a video of a woman performing oral sex on a male on his phone, the report said. The investigation also noted that Askew failed a polygraph examination that questioned his conduct while at one of the women’s homes, according to reports.

Askew in late January had visited the homes of two women while on police business. It was during those visits that Askew showed the sexual images to the women, acted inappropriately, used poor judgment by instructing the women in self-defense moves in the privacy of their homes and had conversations of a personal nature involving moral turpitude, the report said.

A polygraph examination was conducted on Feb. 12. Askew after the examination said he did nothing wrong, though according to the polygraph examiner Askew’s responses to two questions pertaining to allegedly sexual contact with one of the women was deceptive, the report said.

Police Chief Steve Heaton on Monday said the matter was investigated once the allegations were revealed, adding that Askew subsequently resigned. Heaton said the resignation was accepted and that the department did review the statements and evidence for possible criminal infractions.

Heaton said the investigation revealed that Askew’s conduct at the residences was something that should not have occurred. He displayed conduct that is unbecoming an officer, Heaton said.