Steere will lead classes on English Reformation at Covenant


Beginning in August, Covenant Presbyterian Church will welcome the Rev. Dr. Dan Steere of Chattanooga, Tenn., to its Sunday evening Bible Institute. The Bible Institute, free and open to the public, is held at Covenant Presbyterian Church, Sunday evenings from 6 – 7:30 p.m. Steere’s topic will be the English Reformation.

An educator, administrator and pastor, Steere has taught thousands of pastors/leaders through Equipping Pastors International. The class on the English Reformation will provide an overview, from its roots in the teachings of Wycliffe and the actions of Henry VIII, through the turbulent years of the English Revolution, to its final years under Cromwell and the Restoration.

Along the way, Steere will introduce the saints and villains, martyrs and monarchs, theologians and soldiers of the period.

Call 770-460-9450 or visit the church website ( for more information.