Candidate Smith = biggest spender


Mr. Jack Smith is the guy (chairman of Commissioners) who was the biggest spender (2007-2009) in Fayette County history. You can verify this on the Fayette County website.

His circle of friends when he was chairman were the special interest groups like developers and bankers. The taxpayer (you) was kept in the dark on what he was doing and why.

I don’t know Mr. Smith, only his actions. I see a big spender, projects for friends, nontransparent, no time for the guy who is paying the bill and that adds up to a RINO (republican in name only).

Spending other people’s money is easy if you are Mr. Jack Smith but finding candidates that will take that job seriously is what we need to do in this county.

Mr. Smith was bragging about the financial health of the county in 2009. Within about 60 days after he lost the election, the county administrator was advising the commission to consider a tax increase.

Not quite as healthy as Mr. Smith claimed, I guess. The people voted him out. Why is he running again?

If you have lived here for a few years, you may know about the West Fayetteville Bypass. Millions of tax dollars wasted. Taking property from homeowners to build the road to nowhere. He also voted for mass transit for Fayette County.

Mr. Smith attempted to get a new SPLOST for his friends that was soundly defeated by the voters. He brought forward and defended changing the county’s retirement program to a defined benefit plan.

This plan made the county look like it was saving a little money in the beginning but the long term outlook is not that good for taxpayers. No one can predict what the cost will be over the long term.

The county administrator has brought a plan forward where up to 44 people are eligible for early retirement. The administrator will be one of those people, and he will receive more then $1,300,000 over 20 years, not counting social security or healthcare, mostly paid for by you the taxpayer.

We will have to pay twice because we have to replace his position as well. This story could repeat 43 more times. How does that stack up with your retirement plan? Thanks, Mr. Jack Smith.

Mr. Hearn and Mr. Horgan served two years with Mr. Smith and have continued to follow in the same footsteps as him: Special interests, wasting money, deficit spending and ignoring the people.

I don’t know why people who are elected become arrogant towards the taxpayer but that needs to end. We need candidates with integrity.

Mr. Hearn was less than truthful when making an appointment to the election board. Mr. Hearn and Mr. Horgan voted yes when the chairman wanted yes votes and voted no if the two remaining commissioners had an idea.

Tax and fee increases, deficit spending, wasteful spending, special interests and ignoring the taxpayer. Is that the type of government you want? Why are they running? They think you don’t care and are not paying attention.

I don’t know either Ms. Stopford or Ms. Huddleston but have heard that Ms. Stopford is sure she is going to win because she knows influential people. It would be good if she would name them. I also heard that she would like to eventually work in the U.S. Senate.

Ms. Huddleston has run for magistrate a few years ago and lost. Neither women has been active on any local issues or even attended any commissioners’ meetings for the last few years or ever that I am aware of. Why are they running? The real answer would be interesting.

If you are ready for someone that will make a real difference, I suggest you look at Mr. David Barlow,(, Mr. Randy Ognio ( and Mr. Charles Oddo ([email protected]).

They will represent the taxpayer, who pays the bill, as their special interest. They are business men, not politicians. They will govern with the common sense that has been missing for the last six years. That’s why they are running.

It is important that you vote this July 31st or early voting starts on July 9th.

Ray Watt

Peachtree City, Ga.