Warrants obtained in 2 Fayette fraud cases


Fayette County Sheriff’s Office investigators have obtained warrants relating to two identity fraud cases that occurred in February and April.

Sheriff’s spokesman Brent Rowan said investigators obtained a criminal arrest warrant on May 3 in connection with a fraud case which occurred on April 22.

Investigators obtained a warrant for Devante Lightner, 20, of Fayetteville, charging him with four counts of financial transaction card fraud, Rowan said.

Rowan said the case involves Lightner fraudulently using a credit card belonging to a Fayette County citizen.

A warrant in the second case was obtained on April 27 for Adrianna Stockton, 20, of Atlanta, in connection with a fraud case which occurred on Feb. 27, Rowan said. Stockton is being charged with two counts of identity fraud, Rowan added.

Rowan said this case involves Stockton fraudulently using a credit card number belonging to a Fayette County citizen to pay her Metro PCS bill.