Another Trayvon? Nope, ‘wrong’ race


Hey, Al Sharpton. You need to get on a flight to Phoenix. Right away. There is another Trayvon Martin case.

On April 3, a man was walking his dog around the corner of a Taco Bell when he was almost run over by a drive-through customer. Words ensued before the driver shot the dog-walker dead, claiming the victim threatened to hit him with something that was not found at the scene.

The shooter has not been charged.

This should prove once and for all that white America is racist.

Oh, but wait. Turn that plane around, Rev.

The victim was a “white” Hispanic (as the New York Times identified Trayvon’s shooter, Zimmerman) and the perp looked like he could be Barack Obama’s son.

The National Action Network, of course, does not provide righteous indignation in those particular circumstances.

Bill Webster

Peachtree City, Ga.