Fairburn’s Koinonia Center begins Lenten course Feb. 21


The Koinonia Center in Fairburn invites the public to a special free Lenten Study, “Centering Prayer: A Training Course for Opening to the Presence of God.”

The six-week study is designed to help participants integrate the practice and discipline of silent centering prayer into their daily life. Each two-hour gathering includes study, DVD viewing and discussion, as well as time to experience the personal practice of centering prayer. Two six-week sessions will be offered; participants can register for either Tuesdays beginning Feb. 21, from 7 – 9 p.m., or Wednesdays beginning Feb. 22, from 9 – 11 a.m.

The Koinonia Center, located in the heart of Fairburn at 119 Elder St., opened in October, 2011 as a center for spiritual formation with a focus on contemplative studies.

To register for the study, which is offered at no charge, contact Cathy Kimbrel at [email protected] or 770-969-0616. For more information on The Koinonia Center and to see a calendar of upcoming events go to www.KoinoniaCenterFairburn.com.